MUGHIL – Help Poor Students!

June 12, 2007 at 7:06 am | Posted in poor | 3 Comments

Hi all,

How are you all? Hope all are doing good.

I would like you to join your hands with our groups called MUGHIL, aiming to help the poor students
who deprive their basic needs like Education, Food, clothing. Yes “Education” is our concentration!

Who we are?

MUGHIL is a social organization aims to help poor, rural students for their education and other needs.

What we are doing?

MUGHIL helps Rajiv Gandhi Home for Physically Challenged consistently for the past 2.5 years.

MUGHIL also helps a student from Pondicherry Engg College, IT dept – Bremkumar for his all semesters fees.

Helped Aditya for his Cancer operation and given notebooks, pens and other stationery items for rural school students
for their class X public exams.

We are also going to educationally adopt students(poor n meritorious) from PEC and help them for their all semesters.

Join Us!

I would like to invite you all to join in this noble cause to serve the society in a very easy way.
Contribute your minimum amount to create a maximum difference in poor students lives!

Pls carry forward this message to your class groups and let me know( the volunteers list, then I will add it to my spreadsheet.


p.s: Those who are looking for IT-Tax rebate also can donate and get the benefits under Section 80.

Service to poor is service to God!

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